221 research outputs found

    KHM 2006

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    Die KHM, die Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, ist beinahe zwei Jahrzehnte alt. Für Akademien und Universitäten kein Alter, für eine Kunsthochschule für Medien eine lange Zeit – denn die Medien haben in diesem Zeitraum ihre Entwicklungsschritte rasant unternommen. Heute muss sich die KHM mit HD-Television, mit der Frage von bio-digitalen Lebensbedingungen beschäftigen, sie muss ihren Blick sowohl auf einen Kunstmarkt richten, der die Kunst immer ausschließlicher als Kapitalanlage begreift, sowie sich auf Medien konzentrieren, deren traditionelle Anstalten (wie beispielsweise der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk) vor gravierenden Veränderungen stehen. Die digitalen Medien und ihr Einsatz in den Künsten, im Film, beim Video, in der postproduktionellen Bearbeitung, im Alltag (Kommunikation, Ökonomie und Politik) sind umfassend geworden und haben dadurch ihren Sonderstatus eingebüßt, der Zugriff auf den Computer ist Routine geworden. Für eine Kunsthochschule, deren Selbstverständnis auf den Medien (im Kunst- und Kulturkontext) beruht, sind diese Entwicklungen eine ständige und große Herausforderung. [...]The KHM, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln – Academy of Media Arts Cologne, is almost twenty years old. For academies and universities in general, this is not very old at all, but for an academy of media arts it is a long time, for within this time span media have developed at an amazing pace. Today the KHM engages with HD television, and with bio-digital conditions of life. It confronts an art market that increasingly, almost exclusively even, views art as a capital investment, and focuses on media whose traditional institutions (for instance, public broadcasting) are on the brink of thoroughgoing changes. Digital media and their applications in the arts, film, video, post-production, and in everyday life communications, economics, and politics) have become all-pervasive and have lost their special status: access to computers is now routine. For an academy whose self-concept resides in the media (in the context of art and culture) these developments are a great and ongoing challenge. [...


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir representações sobre as línguas alemã e portuguesa que emergem dos enunciados de diferentes gerações de uma família residente no Sul do Brasil, que mantém o alemão como língua de herança. Os dados foram gerados por meio de entrevistas e fazem parte do corpus de uma pesquisa mais abrangente, de cunho interpretativista, vinculada às áreas de Educação e Linguística Aplicada. Os dados sugerem que as representações construídas pelos sujeitos não são estanques, mas estão relacionadas ao momento histórico no qual estão inseridos, às suas experiências vividas e aos discursos sobre as línguas e seus falantes produzidos socialmente e em torno de suas comunidades

    The German language at an old immigration area in ItajaĂ­ Valley (Santa Catarina State): A study in two communities

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    In this paper we discuss partial data of a research project that had the objective of carrying out a survey of the linguistic situation in two German-Brazilian rural communities, in Blumenau, located in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina State. Concerning the theoretical dimension, this study is affiliated to the areas of Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics, specifically concerning schooling in multilingual and intercultural contexts. In relation to the methodological procedures, for reaching these social groups, we started from the schools located in the mentioned communities. The instruments used were two sociolinguistic questionnaires, one answered by students of the Elementary Schools and the other by their families. The data indicate that the German language is used in most of the social spheres, on oral mode, especially in the familiar scope. The results show that a great part of the subjects are bilingual, and their parents show positive attitudes concerning their inheritance language, besides mentioning the relevance of both languages for their children’s future. This research allows us to refl ect upon the importance of assuring the learning of the German language in formal education, side by side with Portuguese, in bilingual contexts like these ones. We conclude by reaffirming the need of further studies in order to understand the sociolinguistic situation in bi/multilingual communities, so that new policies of linguistic education could be enhanced, ensuring an intercultural education.Keywords: multilingual contexts, German language, social bilingualism.</p

    A língua alemã em antiga zona de imigração no vale do Itajaí (SC): um estudo em duas comunidades

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    In this paper we discuss partial data of a research project that had the objective of carrying out a survey of the linguistic situation in two German-Brazilian rural communities, in Blumenau, located in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina State. Concerning the theoretical dimension, this study is affiliated to the areas of Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics, specifically concerning schooling in multilingual and intercultural contexts. In relation to the methodological procedures, for reaching these social groups, we started from the schools located in the mentioned communities. The instruments used were two sociolinguistic questionnaires, one answered by students of the Elementary Schools and the other by their families. The data indicate that the German language is used in most of the social spheres, on oral mode, especially in the familiar scope. The results show that a great part of the subjects are bilingual, and their parents show positive attitudes concerning their inheritance language, besides mentioning the relevance of both languages for their children’s future. This research allows us to refl ect upon the importance of assuring the learning of the German language in formal education, side by side with Portuguese, in bilingual contexts like these ones. We conclude by reaffirming the need of further studies in order to understand the sociolinguistic situation in bi/multilingual communities, so that new policies of linguistic education could be enhanced, ensuring an intercultural education.Keywords: multilingual contexts, German language, social bilingualism.Discutimos, neste artigo, dados parciais de uma pesquisa mais abrangente que objetivou realizar um levantamento da situação linguística em duas comunidades teuto-brasileiras, localizadas na zona rural de Blumenau, no Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina. Quanto à dimensão teórica, o estudo filia-se às áreas da Linguística Aplicada e à Sociolinguística, especialmente no tocante à escolarização em contextos multilíngues e interculturais. Com relação aos procedimentos metodológicos, para atingir esses grupos sociais, partimos das escolas municipais localizadas em cada uma das comunidades. Os instrumentos utilizados foram dois questionários sociolinguísticos. O primeiro foi aplicado aos alunos do Ensino Fundamental I e o segundo, às suas famílias. Os dados apontam que a língua alemã é utilizada na maioria das esferas sociais, na modalidade oral, especialmente no âmbito familiar. Os resultados indicam que grande parte dos sujeitos são bilíngues. Os pais dos alunos demonstram atitudes positivas em relação à língua de herança, além de apontarem a relevância de ambas as línguas para o futuro de seus filhos. Esta pesquisa permite refletir sobre a importância de se garantir, na educação formal, o aprendizado da língua alemã, ao lado do português, em contextos bilíngues como esses. Concluímos reafirmando a necessidade de serem desenvolvidos mais estudos com o objetivo de compreender a situação sociolinguística em comunidades bi/multilíngues, para que novas políticas de educação linguística possam ser fomentadas, garantindo uma educação intercultural.Palavras-chave: contextos multilíngues, língua alemã, bilinguismo social

    Tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer: effect of ROI methods on ADC values and interobserver variability

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of region of interest (ROI) size and positioning on tumour ADC measurements and interobserver variability in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). METHODS: Forty-six LARC patients were retrospectively included. Patients underwent MRI including DWI (b0,500,1000) before and 6-8 weeks after chemoradiation (CRT). Two readers measured mean tumour ADCs (pre- and post-CRT) according to three ROI protocols: whole-volume, single-slice or small solid samples. The three protocols were compared for differences in ADC, SD and interobserver variability (measured as the intraclass correlation coefficient; ICC). RESULTS: ICC for the whole-volume ROIs was excellent (0.91) pre-CRT versus good (0.66) post-CRT. ICCs were 0.53 and 0.42 for the single-slice ROIs versus 0.60 and 0.65 for the sample ROIs. Pre-CRT ADCs for the sample ROIs were significantly lower than for the whole-volume or single-slice ROIs. Post-CRT there were no significant differences between the whole-volume ROIs and the single-slice or sample ROIs, respectively. The SDs for the whole-volume and single-slice ROIs were significantly larger than for the sample ROIs. CONCLUSIONS: ROI size and positioning have a considerable influence on tumour ADC values and interobserver variability. Interobserver variability is worse after CRT. ADCs obtained from the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results. Key Points • ROI size and positioning influence tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer • ROI size and positioning influence interobserver variability of tumour ADC measurements • ADC measurements of the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results • Tumour ADC measurements are more reproducible before, rather than after, chemoradiation treatment • Variations caused by ROI size and positioning should be taken into account when using ADC as a biomarker for tumour response

    Do tradicional ao contemporâneo: representações sociais do professor construídas por alunos

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    This research aimed to characterize the social representations that primary education students build and develop about the teachers. 75 students od public schools of Mossoró (RN, Brazil) of both sexes, with ages between 9 and 15 years-old were part of this study. The theoretical support used was Serge Moscovicci’s social representation theory. The Drawing-Story with a Theme Technique was used to collect the data. Initially a detailed analysis of the drawings and themes was carried out. Afterwards, the written productions were analyzed through content analysis. The findings indicate that the image of the teacher was associated to three different categories: a traditional teacher, rooted in firm stands, as the owner of knowledge who demands an obedient and silent classroom; a second one that represents the teacher as professionals who are up-to-date, who use different learning strategies that go beyond the classroom; and the third expresses the challenges faced by the teachers, showing a teacher who fights for better working conditions. These associations are the result of both the students’ experiences and the information and representations disseminated in the groups they belong to.Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo caracterizar las representaciones sociales construidas por los alumnos de la enseñanza fundamental acerca del profesor. En el estudio participaron 75 alumnos de la enseñanza primaria de la red pública municipal de enseñanza de Mossoró, RN, de ambos sexos y grupo de edad entre 9 y 15 años. Se utilizó como soporte teórico la teoría de las representaciones sociales de Serge Moscovici. En la recolección se utilizó la técnica dibujo-historia con tema. Inicialmente hizo un análisis detallado de los dibujos temas. A continuación, las producciones escritas fueron analizadas por medio del análisis de contenido. Los resultados indican que la imagen del profesor fue asociada a tres categorías diferentes: un profesor tradicional anclado en posturas firmes, como poseedor del saber, que exige una clase obediente y silenciosa, una segunda que representa al profesor como un profesional actualizado, deseado, que utiliza diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje que superan el espacio del aula; y la tercera expresa los desafíos enfrentados por los docentes, mostrando un profesor que lucha por mejores condiciones de trabajo. Esas asociaciones son resultados tanto de las vivencias de los alumnos como de las informaciones y representación vehiculadas en su grupo de pertenencia.Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo caracterizar as representações sociais construídas pelos alunos do ensino fundamental acerca do professor. Participaram do estudo 75 alunos do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal de ensino de Mossoró, RN, de ambos os sexos e faixa etária entre 9 e 15 anos. Utilizou-se como suporte teórico a teoria das representações sociais de Serge Moscovici. Na coleta utilizou-se a técnica desenho-estória com tema. Inicialmente, fez-se uma análise detalhada dos desenhos e temas. Em seguida, as produções escritas foram analisadas por meio da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que a imagem do professor foi associada a três diferentes categorias: um professor tradicional ancorado em posturas firmes, como detentor de saber, que exige uma turma obediente e silenciosa; uma segunda que representa o professor como um profissional atualizado, desejado, que utiliza diferentes estratégias de aprendizagens que ultrapassam o espaço da sala de aula; e a terceira expressa os desafios enfrentados pelos docentes, mostrando um professor que luta por melhores condições de trabalho. Essas associações são resultados tanto das vivências dos alunos quanto das informações e representações veiculadas no seu grupo de pertença

    Tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer: effect of ROI methods on ADC values and interobserver variability

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of region of interest (ROI) size and positioning on tumour ADC measurements and interobserver variability in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). METHODS: Forty-six LARC patients were retrospectively included. Patients underwent MRI including DWI (b0,500,1000) before and 6-8 weeks after chemoradiation (CRT). Two readers measured mean tumour ADCs (pre- and post-CRT) according to three ROI protocols: whole-volume, single-slice or small solid samples. The three protocols were compared for differences in ADC, SD and interobserver variability (measured as the intraclass correlation coefficient; ICC). RESULTS: ICC for the whole-volume ROIs was excellent (0.91) pre-CRT versus good (0.66) post-CRT. ICCs were 0.53 and 0.42 for the single-slice ROIs versus 0.60 and 0.65 for the sample ROIs. Pre-CRT ADCs for the sample ROIs were significantly lower than for the whole-volume or single-slice ROIs. Post-CRT there were no significant differences between the whole-volume ROIs and the single-slice or sample ROIs, respectively. The SDs for the whole-volume and single-slice ROIs were significantly larger than for the sample ROIs. CONCLUSIONS: ROI size and positioning have a considerable influence on tumour ADC values and interobserver variability. Interobserver variability is worse after CRT. ADCs obtained from the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results. Key Points • ROI size and positioning influence tumour ADC measurements in rectal cancer • ROI size and positioning influence interobserver variability of tumour ADC measurements • ADC measurements of the whole tumour volume provide the most reproducible results • Tumour ADC measurements are more reproducible before, rather than after, chemoradiation treatment • Variations caused by ROI size and positioning should be taken into account when using ADC as a biomarker for tumour response

    Gross tumour volume delineation in anal cancer on T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI - Reproducibility between radiologists and radiation oncologists and impact of reader experience level and DWI image quality

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    Abstract Purpose To assess how gross tumour volume (GTV) delineation in anal cancer is affected by interobserver variations between radiologists and radiation oncologists, expertise level, and use of T2-weighted MRI (T2W-MRI) vs. diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and to explore effects of DWI quality. Methods and materials We retrospectively analyzed the MRIs (T2W-MRI and b800-DWI) of 25 anal cancer patients. Four readers (Senior and Junior Radiologist; Senior and Junior Radiation Oncologist) independently delineated GTVs, first on T2W-MRI only and then on DWI (with reference to T2W-MRI). Maximum Tumour Diameter (MTD) was calculated from each GTV. Mean GTVs/MTDs were compared between readers and between T2W-MRI vs. DWI. Interobserver agreement was calculated as Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Hausdorff Distance (HD). DWI image quality was assessed using a 5-point artefact scale. Results Interobserver agreement between radiologists vs. radiation oncologists and between junior vs. senior readers was good–excellent, with similar agreement for T2W-MRI and DWI (e.g. ICCs 0.72–0.94 for T2W-MRI and 0.68–0.89 for DWI). There was a trend towards smaller GTVs on DWI, but only for the radiologists (P = 0.03–0.07). Moderate-severe DWI-artefacts were observed in 11/25 (44%) cases. Agreement tended to be lower in these cases. Conclusion Overall interobserver agreement for anal cancer GTV delineation on MRI is good for both radiologists and radiation oncologists, regardless of experience level. Use of DWI did not improve agreement. DWI artefacts affecting GTV delineation occurred in almost half of the patients, which may severely limit the use of DWI for radiotherapy planning if no steps are undertaken to avoid them
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